Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 102 - Proactive Steps for Unmedicated Hospital Birth

Bettina shares her pregnancy and birth journey in which she switches from OB to midwives, hires a doula, does lots of research and learning, and advocates to avoid induction to support the unmedicated hospital birth she hoped for.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 100 - When Baby Prefers Car Over Waterbirth

Sierra envisioned a waterbirth for her baby in a birthing center and a doula, but baby has others plans while in the car en route to the birth place. Sierra shares those exciting details plus details the night and day difference between how she was treated when seeing an OB vs. the midwifery model of care.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 99 - Strong Circle of Support for Unmedicated Birth & Beyond

Despite the fact that EmJ has always had a self-professed low pain tolerance, she finds instinctive coping mechanisms that work for her to have the unmedicated birth that she had hoped to have in a Manhattan hospital, largely because she had uncommonly doula-like support from the nurses and an OB she loves. This is a story of ongoing, essential community and support that started in birth class.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 98 - Belly Birth for Breech with Bicornuate Uterus

Crystal shares her positive belly birth (cesarean) story. Due to her bicornuate, heart-shaped uterus, her baby was persistently breech and therefore needed to be born surgically since the majority of providers aren’t trained in safe vaginal breech birth.

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